Productivity inspiration and tactical advice that’s actually useful.
Join over 160K readers who start their month with the Todoist newsletter.
And 9 more helpful alternatives you should be doing instead
How you end your day is just as important as how you start it
Actionable steps for making sure "out of sight" doesn't mean "out of mind"
Working long hours is bad for your health and bad for your work. Here's how to break the habit...
Is a flexible work schedule really better?
Countless accomplishments by the remarkable Todoist community
We completely rethought the Todoist for Apple Watch app after actually using the device.
How overthinking kills your productivity and what you can do about it
Traditional goal setting didn’t work for you last year? Try on something new...
We've created a feature that keeps our users informed in the rare event an outage occurs.
A more visual way to move your projects forward
What to do when your productivity apps are making you less productive
A promotion is one form of recognition, but it doesn’t make you a leader. Here’s what will…
Why we're never satisfied with what we've already accomplished
From getting motivated creatively to managing a small business (plus exclusive wallpapers for your desktop and phone!)
And how to do it this year guilt-free
Task management isn't only for people who spend their workday on a computer
Families who to-do list together, stay together
A Productivity Profile with Alan Henry
A simple technique to ensure your small tasks don’t become big headaches
Working from home makes socializing a challenge, but there are many small ways to connect
Systematically reorganize your files, social media, email, and more and create more mental space for what's important to you